Introduction: Teens with T1D are at risk for depression and diabetes distress. While diabetes distress is typically more predictive of A1C, less is known about teens experiencing both concerns. In teens with T1D with elevated diabetes distress, we explored clinical and psychological differences between those with or without depression.
Methods: At baseline of a psychosocial intervention trial, teens (N=173) with PAID-T scores ≥30 (elevated diabetes distress) reported demographics and Patient Reported Outcomes (PROs) of depression, general/T1D resilience, diabetes quality of life (QoL) , and family conflict. A1C and pump use were extracted from medical records. Using Fisher’s exact, X-square, and Wilcoxon rank sum tests, we compared demographics, pump use, A1C, and PROs by depression status (clinical cutoff of PHQ-8 ≥10) .
Results: Distressed teens with depression (34%) were more likely to be female and have unemployed caregivers. Compared to participants without depression, distressed teens with depression reported lower resilience and QoL and higher distress and family conflict. There were no differences in mean HbA1c or insulin pump use.
Conclusions: Screening for depression is an important clinical initiative-teens with general and T1D-specific mood concerns are at risk for multiple psychosocial challenges that may warrant intervention and may be impacted by social determinants of health.
S.R.Scott: None. J.Yi-frazier: None. M.B.O'donnell: None. C.Zhou: None. F.Malik: n/a. C.Pihoker: None. D.Desalvo: Consultant; Dexcom, Inc., Insulet Corporation, Research Support; Insulet Corporation. M.Bradford: None. A.Rosenberg: None. M.E.Hilliard: None.
NIH 1R01DK121224-01