Objective: To evaluate short-term outcomes of an employer-sponsored virtual T2D reversal program, conducted through medically supervised nutritional intervention and provider-led telehealth, in working-age adults.

Methods: This pre-post study included 119 employees with T2D and high HbA1c and/or high spending on T2D prescriptions who enrolled in the T2D reversal program October 15, 2020-January 27, 2021. HbA1c, fasting glucose (FG) , body weight, body index mass (BMI) , and waist circumference pre- and post-enrollment were assessed from annual employer-sponsored wellness screening conducted 2019-2021, independently of the T2D reversal program. Program prescriptions (insulin, DPP4, GLP1, meglitinide, sulfonylurea, TZD, SGLT2) were compared pre vs. post (Table footnote 1) . Pharmacy spending for these prescriptions was estimated from a third-party claims database.

Results: The program retention rate was 82% at 6 months and 67% at 1 year. Mean levels of all outcome measures declined significantly from pre to post (Table) . The number of prescriptions decreased for 47 (39.5%) of the 119 participants and increased for 3 (2.5%) . For 89 individuals participating for 6 months or more, average monthly prescription spending declined 18% (to $449 from $547) during the first 6 months after enrollment (vs. the prior 12 months) .

Conclusions: A virtual T2D reversal program helped lower HbA1c, FG, body weight, BMI, and waist circumference in employees with diabetes while reducing prescriptions and pharmacy spending.


Z. Chen: Employee; Quest Diagnostics, Stock/Shareholder; Quest Diagnostics. C. E. Birse: Employee; Quest Diagnostics. A. R. Arellano: Employee; Quest Diagnostics. M. S. Fragala: Employee; Quest Diagnostics, Stock/Shareholder; Quest Diagnostics. M. J. Mcphaul: Employee; Quest Diagnostics. L. A. Bare: Employee; Quest Diagnostics.

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