Poor diet is the leading cause of ill health in the U.S., including type 2 diabetes (T2D) , obesity as well as anxiety and stress. A medical prescription program providing access to fresh vegetables was associated with improved cardiometabolic health for predominantly Mexican-American adults at risk for or with non-insulin treated T2D. In a sub-study, we used the Depression Anxiety Stress Scales (DASS-21) short form to assess depression, anxiety, and stress.From August 20to November 2021, 1participants (73 female, 92% Mexican, 34% with non-insulin treated T2D, age 55.1 [12.6] years) were recruited using English/Spanish community outreach materials and received prescriptions for 21 servings/week of fresh vegetable for weeks.Compared to baseline, post-prescription DASS-21 results indicated significantly lower stress (-2.9 [-4.38, -0.82, mean [95% CI], p-0.0056) ; anxiety (-2.4 [-0.68, -4.04]) ; and depression (-3.7 [-5.74, -1.7]) (Table) associated with improved self-reported mood (p=0.0using 100mm Likert scales) , sleep (p=0.02) , and less pain (p=0.008) .

In summary, improving access to fresh vegetables is associated with better psychological health for predominantly Mexican-American adults with or at-risk of non-insulin treated T2D.


M.L.Aram: None. N.M.Glantz: Research Support; Abbott. A.Larez: Research Support; Abbott. D.Kerr: Advisory Panel; Abbott Diabetes, Novo Nordisk A/S, Sanofi, Consultant; Evidation Health, Research Support; Novo Nordisk A/S, Stock/Shareholder; Glooko, Inc., Hi.Health.


US Department of Agriculture (#2018-33800-28404)

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