Introduction: Engagement in and recall of clinical discussions is a key component of patient-centered care. We evaluated frequency and agreement on discussion topics between young adults (YAs) with type 1 diabetes (T1D) and their health care provider (HCP) .
Methods: 52 YAs (51.9% female; 48.1% non-Hispanic White (NHW) ; M age = 20.6±1.1 yrs; M T1D duration = 10.9±4.7 yrs; M A1c = 8.2±1.8%) and 9 HCPs (5 MDs; 4 NPs; 100% female) enrolled in a randomized trial to improve health communication skills in YAs preparing for adult T1D care. At baseline, YAs reported demographic information; after the baseline clinic visit, YAs and HCPs separately completed a checklist of topics discussed and rated satisfaction with the visit. Topic frequency and agreement between YAs and HCPs were calculated. Independent samples t-tests and correlations evaluated associations among demographic and clinical characteristics, discussion topics, and agreement.
Results: YAs and HCPs had adequate agreement (M = 76.4%; Table 1) . Agreement was not associated with YA gender, age, T1D duration, A1c, or overall visit satisfaction. YAs of color had significantly higher agreement with HCPs than NHW YAs (81.4% vs. 70.8%; t (50) =2.3, p<.05) .
Conclusions: Results highlight YA engagement and frequency of developmentally important topics in routine T1D visits. Communication plans may improve frequency of topics raised and recall, and will be evaluated in future research.
M.Monaghan: Employee; National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, Research Support; American Diabetes Association. B.Bryant: None. C.H.Wang: None. R.Streisand: None.
American Diabetes Association (1-18-ACE-27) ;