Background: There are significant racial and socioeconomic disparities in health outcomes for patients with type 1 diabetes (T1D) . COVID-also disproportionately affected racial/ethnic minority groups.

Objective: We examined whether the pandemic differentially impacted patients with T1D who identified as minority (Hispanic, non-Hispanic Black, Asian) versus non-minority (non-Hispanic white) .

Methods: We administered the COVID-Exposure and Family Impact Survey to adolescents with T1D seen at the NYU Pediatric Diabetes Center from May 2020 - May 2021 (n=165) . Patient characteristics were compared using chi-square tests and linear regression models.

Results: Respondents (n=41) had a median age of 17 years (range 15-23, SD 2.2) . Most respondents identified as non-minority (58.5%) , female (53.7%) , and were privately insured (65.9%) . Those identifying as minority had higher distress scores (5.4 versus 3.9; p=.07) , less continuous glucose monitor use, and higher HbA1c levels compared to non-minority patients (p<0.05) . Higher distress scores were associated with lower family income and worse family dynamics (p<0.05) . Distress was also related to worse health behaviors, including reduced exercise, poor eating habits, and impaired sleep. Notably, impaired sleep was also associated with higher HbA1c levels (p<0.05) .

Conclusion: Adolescents with T1D who identified as minority race reported a greater impact of the COVID-pandemic on their physical and psychosocial functioning compared to their non-minority peers. Further study may identify how to mitigate these worse outcomes.


M.Goldberg: None. J.Ilkowitz: None. J.E.Gonzalez: None. C.R.Stein: None. M.Gallagher: None.

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