Recently, continuous glucose monitors (CGM) have become increasingly available and affordable to support T2D management. Evidence to date supports CGM use in T2D to improve glycemic control and quality of life, across medication regimens and care settings. However, the rate and correlates of CGM uptake in T2D are unknown. We used electronic health record data to examine incidence of CGM use among adults (≥18 years old) receiving care for T2D at Vanderbilt University Medical Center. Eligible patients had T2D per a validated algorithm, and an A1c test and a primary care or endocrinology clinic visit from 10/1/2020 to 09/30/2021. We extracted historical data on CGM prescriptions and A1c values for these patients and compared CGM users and non-users on age, gender, race, ethnicity, insulin prescriptions, and A1c. Of the 26,841 adults seen for T2D, 12.3% (n=3,310) had been prescribed CGM. The earliest CGM prescriptions for the cohort appeared in Spring 2018. In 2021, each month an average of 110.2 patients (0.4% of cohort) were newly prescribed CGM (range 85-126 per month) . CGM use was associated with younger age, insulin use, and higher A1c, but not gender, race, or ethnicity (Table) . Since 2018, CGM use among adults with T2D has increased rapidly. Adults who are younger with higher A1c and using insulin are more likely to be prescribed CGM. There is potential to leverage the increase in CGM use among adults with T2D to improve outcomes and quality of life.


L. S. Mayberry: Consultant; Abbott Diabetes, Cecelia Health. C. Hendrickson: None. A. B. Mccoy: None. T. A. Elasy: None.

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