Despite evidence that the Montana Diabetes Prevention Program halts the progression from prediabetes to type II diabetes, individuals who live in rural areas can face unique challenges associated with their rurality. The purpose of this study was to examine the relationships between readiness to change and attrition rates, blood glucose, hemoglobin A1C, and weight among a sample of 38 rural dwellers enrolled in one site of the Montana Diabetes Prevention Program. Based on a concept analysis for the purposes of this study, readiness to change measured behavioral commitment and motivation to engage in cognitions and tasks associated with sustainable behavior change leading to an expected outcome. Readiness to change scores, demographic information, and clinical variables were measured at baseline and six-months into the program utilizing a validated readiness to change instrument. A bivariate analysis and logistic regression were used to analyze attrition and outcomes data. Results indicated that the covariates of income and geography significantly modified the relationship between readiness to change and attrition (Pr > ChiSq = 0.04) , but did not appear to be related to clinical outcomes. Based on these results, measurement of readiness to change should be considered an important baseline measure at intake in the Montana Diabetes Prevention Program to better understand the target population for the program and support participant engagement.


K.A.Wagner: None. H.Abou samra: None. J.Fernandes: None. S.Puumala: None.

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