Background: Medicaid patients have high rates of diabetes complications. We examined quality of diabetes care among Medicaid patients and variation by Medicaid state spending.

Methods: Using 2015-16 United Healthcare claims (eligibility, medical, pharmacy) and lab data, we identified Medicaid patients with diabetes >21 yrs of age receiving care in practices with >1000 Medicaid patients (diabetes defined by diagnostic codes, A1c >6.5% or glycemic prescriptions) . Over an 18-month study period, we examined A1c testing, statin use, retinal and nephropathy screening rates. Logistic regression covariates included a categorical variable for per-beneficiary Medicaid spending terciles by state (low, middle or high) , age, gender, race, ethnicity, language, Medicaid eligibility category, indicator for type 1 vs. 2 diabetes, indicator for chronic eye diseases, comorbidity indicators, and a count of number of enrolled months. We adjusted for clustering at the 3-digit zip code level and excluded states with vision care carve-outs.

Results: Among 46,5Medicaid patients with diabetes, the overall unadjusted completion rates for individual diabetes care measures varied from 39% (retinal screening) to 86% (nephropathy screening) ; 27% (7,540) of patients completed all 4 care measures. Adjusted completion rates for all 4 measures did not vary by Medicaid spending level. As compared to Whites, Asian/Pacific Islanders and patients with missing race were more likely to complete all 4 measures (5.1% and 3.7% higher respectively, p=0.00) , while Native Americans were less likely (-6.1%, p=0.04) . Medicaid patients with dual Medicare were more likely to complete all 4 measures than TANF members (4.8%, p=0.00) .

Conclusions: Only 1 in 4 Medicaid patients with diabetes received all 4 diabetes care measures in our study. Interventions are needed to increase adherence to diabetes processes of care for underserved Medicaid patients with diabetes.


T.Moin: None. J.Harwood: None. O.Duru: None. C.Tseng: None. C.Mangione: n/a.



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