Aim: To identify correlates of device uptake in people with insulin-requiring diabetes before and after interacting with, a free, unbranded online resource.

Methods: The sample included 458 participants (Mage=37.1, SD=9.73; 66% female; 81% type 1) with minimal diabetes device use at enrollment. Participants used, had their activity tracked, and completed online surveys. Chi-square and t-tests evaluated factors associated with past device use and new device (CGM/pump) uptake and prescriptions at 1- and 3-months post-use.

Results: Less than half (41%) the sample reported past CGM use. Past CGM use was associated with being female, younger age, type 1 (vs. type 2) diabetes, and receiving care in a large/academic medical center. By 1 month, 11% reported new prescriptions and 5% of participants reported new device uptake (all CGM starts) , which was associated with younger age. By 3 months, 16% reported new uptake and 20% reported new prescriptions (93% for CGM) , which were more common among those with type 1 diabetes.

Conclusions: promotes diabetes device uptake and starts are unhindered by the personal, medical, or system-level barriers to prior device use. One in five users reported new prescriptions/uptake of diabetes devices. These findings support as an effective avenue to promote device access and equity.


J.J.Wong: None. S.Hanes: None. S.Nelmes: None. K.K.Hood: Consultant; Cecelia Health, Havas Health, Insulet Corporation, LifeScan Diabetes Institute.


The Leona M. and Harry B. Helmsley Charitable Trust; NIH K23-DK121771

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