Background: Despite research establishing the strong benefits of continuous glucose monitors (CGMs) in the management of diabetes, adoption remains low among people with type 2 diabetes (T2D) . The present mixed-method study describes CGM attitudes and use among people with T2D.

Method: Members with T2D with a paid subscription to One Drop completed a survey about One Drop and their health. Qualitative reasons for and against CGM adoption were coded and reported with descriptive statistics.

Results: Of the 171 respondents, 55% were male, 70% were White, 86% were non-Hispanic and average age was 55.4 (SD=11.7) . Approximately 92% of members reported logging their blood sugar daily or weekly, 96% of members found One Drop’s health logging features helpful, and 95% found the glucose analysis and reports helpful. Most members were familiar with CGM devices (90%) , and of that group, 83% had never tried one. Most of those familiar with CGMs were also open to CGM adoption (N=107; 79%) . Reasons for openness included valuing continuous feedback (28) , relief from fingersticks (15) , convenience (12) and improved diabetes management (12) , while a subset expressed concerns about insurance coverage and costs (12) . Those not open to CGM adoption (N=29) cited a lack of need (9) , lack of familiarity (4) , inconvenience (3) , pain/size of devices (3) and costs (2) .

Conclusion: Despite their established benefit, CGM adoption among people with T2D is concerningly low. While awareness and interest in CGM adoption is high, costs are a concern, and there is a subset that would benefit from more education and exposure. Advancements in device technology, reimbursement policy as well as interventions to increase health knowledge and motivation are warranted to better meet the needs and preferences of people with T2D.


L.Sears: Employee; One Drop. S.D.Imrisek: Employee; One Drop. J.R.Hoy-rosas: None. L.M.Lavaysse: Employee; One Drop. M.Lee: Employee; One Drop. M.R.Chapman: Employee; One Drop. J.Dachis: Board Member; One Drop, Employee; One Drop, Stock/Shareholder; One Drop.

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