To identify prediabetes/diabetes, the US Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) has recommended glucose testing in 40-70 year olds (2015) and now 35-70 year olds (2021) with overweight/obesity. Since 2002, the American Diabetes Association (ADA) has recommended prediabetes/diabetes screening based on a larger set of diabetes risk factors. We analyzed cross-sectional National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey data from 6,0non-pregnant US adults aged ≥18 years without diagnosed diabetes. For USPSTF 2015 and 2021, and ADA guidelines, we described which adults were eligible and ineligible for glucose testing, and proportions reporting receiving testing. We assessed sensitivity and specificity in identifying prediabetes (fasting plasma glucose [FPG] 100-125mg/dL or A1c 5.7-6.4% or both) or undiagnosed diabetes (FPG≥126mg/dL or A1c≥6.5% or both) . During 2013-2018, an estimated 76.7 million, 90.4 million, and 157.7 million US adults met eligibility for glucose testing by the USPSTF 2015, 2021, and ADA guidelines, respectively. Eligibility and proportions receiving testing varied by guideline (Figure 1) . Across definitions of prediabetes/diabetes, ADA recommendations were most sensitive (range: 91.0-99.1%) and least specific (24.1-35.3%) ; 2015 (sensitivity: 51.9-59.4%; specificity: 63.2-74.5%) and 2021 USPSTF (sensitivity: 57.5-66.6%; specificity: 56.6-67.1%) guideline sensitivity and specificity were comparable.


M.K.Ali: Advisory Panel; Bayer AG, Research Support; Merck & Co., Inc. G.Imperatore: None. S.R.Benoit: None. C.S.Holliday: None. M.J.O'brien: None. J.B.Echouffo tcheugui: None. K.M.Bullard: None.


MKA was partially supported by the Georgia Center for Diabetes Translation Research funded by the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (P30DK111024)

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