The real-world weight loss effectiveness of GLP-1RAs have not been well described. We conducted a cohort study using EHR data from an integrated healthcare system based in PA. Non-pregnant adults first dispensed a GLP-1RA between 20 and 2018 were eligible. We excluded those without:

  • 1) at least 72 weeks of continuous enrollment after the first dispense date,

  • 2) at least 1 year of baseline enrollment data, and

  • 3) at least one valid weight measurement within the 8 wks before the dispense date and at least one weight measure during follow-up.

We used descriptive statistics to report percent change in body weight from baseline in each 8 wk follow-up interval ending in +72 wks. We used linear mixed models with a person-level random intercept controlling for variables associated with missing weight data to estimate percent body weight change during follow-up. Our cohort included 2,398 patients (mean[SD] age 48.4[10.3], 53% female) , with a BMI[SD] of 37[7.5] and a mean baseline weight of 238[54] lbs. In the final 8 wk interval of follow-up (64-72 wks) , the modeled mean percent weight change was -2.5% (95% CI: -2.8 to -2.1) . An estimated 29.9% (95% CI: 27.2 to 32.6) of patients lost at least 5% body weight at this time. In this real-world study using data from ∼2,400 patients with overweight or obese and type 2 diabetes, starting a GLP-1RA was associated with a modest amount of weight loss through 72 weeks.


J.Luo: None. I.Shu: None. M.T.Korytkowski: None. D.A.Rometo: Advisory Panel; Nestlé Health Science. J.Arnold: None. G.E.White: None.


NIDDK (K23ADK120956)

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