Many youth with T1D and their parents do not achieve sufficient sleep duration or quality. While HCL use improves nocturnal glycemic control, it is unclear whether sleep duration and quality are impacted. The objective of this study was to measure sleep outcomes in children with T1D and parents after HCL initiation.

Youth with T1D starting the Tandem Control-IQ (CIQ) and a parent enrolled in an observational study. Actigraphy data (sleep duration, sleep efficiency, and wake after sleep onset (WASO)) and sleep surveys (Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) , PROMIS Pediatric Sleep Disturbance and Sleep-Related Impairment) were collected at baseline and 3- and 6-months after CIQ initiation.

Thirty-nine youth (11.1±3.6 yrs (range 3-17) , T1D duration 2.5±3.0 yrs, 54% male) and parents (42.5±6.7 yrs, 18% male) participated. Parents significantly improved WASO at 3- and 6-months (p=0.0 and 0.007) and sleep quality at 3-months (p=0.011) . No significant changes in subjective or objective sleep outcomes for children occurred other than a decrease in PROMIS Sleep-Related Impairment parent proxy at 3 months (p=0.041) .

Youth with T1D and their parents experience insufficient sleep duration and poor sleep quality. Parent subjective sleep quality and WASO improved with CIQ use. Improving sleep quality is complex and further research is needed to identify causes of sleep disruptions and intervention methods.


E.C.Cobry: None. A.J.Karami: None. T.B.Vigers: None. L.Pyle: None. E.Jost: Other Relationship; Tandem Diabetes Care, Inc. L.J.Meltzer: None. R.Wadwa: Advisory Panel; Dompé, Consultant; Beta Bionics, Inc., Other Relationship; Tandem Diabetes Care, Inc., Research Support; Dexcom, Inc., Eli Lilly and Company, Tandem Diabetes Care, Inc.


National Institutes of Health/National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (K12DK094712)

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