Globally, 13 million people (4 million in USA) inject insulin with single use disposable syringes daily. Compared to syringe and vials, pens are known to increase adherence and diabetes control and to reduce healthcare utilization costs. Yet, pens are largely unavailable to low-income groups, due to prohibitive cost. GO-Pen has designed a new affordable pen for use with vial insulin and conducted usability testing in collaboration with Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) , an international medical humanitarian organization working to improve diabetes care for people living in difficult circumstances.

Here we report the results of two usability studies conducted among insulin pen users (n=19, f/m: 11/8, age: 23-64) and syringe users (n=20, f/m: 10/10, age: 24-70) in refugee populations in Malaysia and Jordan. A convenience sample of the first 20 to accept enrollment was set up after informed consent. After a short introduction, participants were asked to demonstrate the use of the insulin pen in front of a camera, without revealing their faces or any identifying information, while an interviewer noted their correct use and confidence level. Injection was simulated in a sponge. 100% (n=19) of pen users and 75% (n=15) of syringe users performed >90% of the tasks correctly. Among pen users, the most common failed tasks were priming the needle (n=4) . Among syringe users, the most common failed tasks were failing to check the vial label (n=9) and priming the needle (n=6) . 5% (n=1) of pen users preferred the new insulin pen over the pen they were already familiar with. 75% (n=15) of syringe users preferred the new insulin pen over syringes. The most common complaint among pen users was that there were too many steps in the process.

In conclusion, we find current pen users require little training and prefer the pen they are already familiar with. Syringe users who are unfamiliar with pen usage require more training than pen users, however, they have largely favorable attitudes towards this new insulin pen.


O.K.Nielsen: Stock/Shareholder; GO-Pen ApS. G.Huisman: None. J.A.Qasem: None. C.Eng: None. A.F.Jørgensen: None. M.Torrone: None. B.S.Larsen: None. A.Reddy: None.

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