Background: The prevalence of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) in patients with hypogonadism and T2DM is high. Most of these patients are obese.

Methods: Of 370 men with hypogonadism and T2DM, 190 received testosterone undecanoate 1000 mg/12 weeks (T-group) , 180 opted against treatment (CTRL) . Means and standard deviations of absolute measures over 13 years are reported. Fatty liver index (FLI) was calculated using the formula by Bedogni.

Results: Mean baseline age: 62.0±5.2, mean (median) follow-up: 9.3±3.1 (10) years. γ-GT (U/L) decreased from 43.9±22.9 to 21.9±6.8 in the T-group and increased from 35.2±11.3 to 62.3±6.7 in CTRL (p<0.00for both) . Triglycerides decreased from 3.5±0.6 to 2.2±0.1 in T-group and increased from 3.1±0.6 to 3.8±0.8 in CTRL (p<0.00for both) . Waist circumference (cm) decreased from 117.9±14.8 to 98.2±4.3 in the T-group (p<0.0001) and increased in CTRL from 116.9±13.5 to 119.0±8.4 (p<0.0001) .

BMI (kg/m2) decreased from 36.5±4.4 to 28.5±2.4 in the T-group (p<0.0001) and increased in CTRL from 32.8±4.7 to 33.3±3.6 (p<0.0001) . AST (U/L) decreased from 39.0±12.8 to 20.8±1.8 in the T-group and increased from 28.6±9.5 to 55.7±10.8 in CTRL (p<0.00for both) . ALT (U/L) decreased from 42.4±13.0 to 24.7±2.0 in the T-group and increased from 32.8±10.0 to 62.3±13.2 in CTRL (p<0.00for both) . FLI decreased from 95.1±6.0 to 63.8±11.3 in the T-group and increased from 90.2±10.8 to 96.2±4.4 in CTRL (p<0.00for both) .

Conclusions: Long-term testosterone therapy in men with hypogonadism and T2DM improved surrogate parameters of liver function indicating an improvement in NAFLD. All paramters deteriorated in untreated controls.


F.Saad: Consultant; Bayer AG, Stock/Shareholder; AbbVie Inc., Bayer AG, GlaxoSmithKline plc. K.S.Haider: Other Relationship; Bayer AG. A.Haider: Other Relationship; Bayer AG.


Bayer AG

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