Hispanics are affected at a greater rate, with 14.3% diagnosed or predicted to have type 2 diabetes, and 50% more likely to die from diabetes compared to non-Hispanic Whites. El Paso, located at the border region of Texas and Mexico, have predominantly Hispanic population (∼87%) , faces significant health concerns associated with diabetes. Purpose: 1) to determine whether appropriate community resources exist to meet the American Diabetes Association (ADA) recommended standards of medical care and 2) to identify community/culture-centered strategies for the County of El Paso to best meet the recommended standards of care. Methods: The ADA Chronic Care Model (CCM) were used to develop interview guides. Focus groups were conducted with three certified diabetes care and education specialists (CDCES) and people with diabetes (PWD) . A survey was sent out to members of the focus groups and the members of the Diabetes leadership council to rank the ADA standards (S) based on priority and feasibility for the city of El Paso. Results: Interviews revealed that the ADA standard to refer PWD to diabetes community resources and DSMES programs (S1, S5) are not fully met. CDCES noted the need for mental health assessments and referrals to resources (S4) . PWD indicated promotion and awareness about diabetes resources is needed. PWD ranked S1 (Improving Care and Promoting Health in Populations) (29%) , S2 (Diabetes Diagnosis) (24%) and S3 (Diabetes Prevention and Delay) (19%) as the top three standards. CDCES ranked S1 (29%) and S3 (24%) as top two and S4 (Comprehensive Medical Evaluations) , S5 (Lifestyle Management) and S6 (Obesity Management) (14%) as the third priority. Diabetes Leadership Council ranked S6 (29%) , S5 (24%) and S3 (17%) as the top standards. Conclusion: There are several diabetes community resources and existing evidence based programs in El Paso. Leveraging CDCES professionals as a critical component to the education bridge between the Health System and the Community may help meet the diabetes Standards of Care.


S.Bajpeyi: n/a. J.B.Concha: n/a. D.N.Portillo: None.

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