CDC’s National DPP aims to make the lifestyle change program (LCP) available to an estimated 88 million US adults who have prediabetes. Since 2015, CDC’s Diabetes Prevention Recognition Program (DPRP) has recognized four delivery modes: in-person, online (i.e., asynchronous delivery) , distance-learning (DL) (i.e., synchronous delivery) , and combination. To evaluate factors associated with weight loss, we analyzed data collected under the DPRP from 1/1/2012-12/31/20for those who attended at least two sessions with reported weight and physical activity (PA) minutes. Of the study population, 135,496 were associated with in-person delivery organizations, 214,239 with online, 3,553 with DL, and 11,3with combination. The majority of participants were female (across delivery modes: 73.2-80.4%) . Over half of participants were 45-64 years (52.9-59.5%) ; for in-person and online, 29.1% and 4.0%, respectively, were 65+ years. Participants were racially/ethnically diverse (Hispanic: 7.9-31.7%; non-Hispanic Black (NHB) : 10.5-15.4%; other non-White: 11.0-25.2%) . Of in-person, online, DL, and combination participants, 50.6%, 35.5%, 50.2%, and 40.9%, respectively, met the 150 mins/week PA goal for their last PA entry, while 36.2%, 20.2%, 33.2%, and 19.3%, respectively, met the 5% weight loss goal. In general, the 5% weight loss goal was met by higher proportions of participants who were male than female (e.g., in-person, 40.6% vs. 35.2%) , older than younger (e.g., in-person, 42.6% for 65+ years vs. 28.4% for 18-44 years) , non-Hispanic White (NHW) than other race/ethnicities (e.g., in-person, 41.5% for NHW vs. 28.0% for Hispanic and 27.3% for NHB; except for DL with 42.4% for Hispanic vs. 34.3% for NHW) , and met the 150 PA goal (e.g., in-person, 44.1% for PA ≥ 150 mins/week vs. 29.3% for 60 ≤ PA <150 mins/week) . These results show promise for reducing risk of developing type 2 diabetes through the LCP, but also identify opportunities for improved program implementation.


B.Ng: None. E.Ely: None. B.Smith: None. M.Cannon: None.

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