Strategies are needed to maintain outcomes following DMPs. We examined the impact of a sustaining strategy (SS) on A1C among T2DM completers of a 3-mos diabetes education and medications management program. From 3/2019-7/2021, DMP completers (Medicare or system insured) enrolled in a 9-mos sustaining strategy (SS) . Mos 1-3 offered remote monitoring calls for Hi >350/Lo <80mg/dL blood glucose (BG) alerts, and Mos 1-9 monthly diabetes check-in calls with BG review by a medical assistant who also addressed supplies/drug needs and self-care behaviors. Escalation to a nurse practitioner occurred for BG trends >200/< 80mg/dL or A1C > 9.0%. Reports were sent to PCPs. A1Cs were compared for DMP-alone versus DMP-plus SS. Summary statistics used frequency with percentage for categorical variables and mean with standard deviation for continuous variables. Bivariate analyses utilized the Student T test. Pre-post A1C was available for 620 completers and 175 joined the SS. Mean age was 56.2±11.9 yrs; 58.1% female; 66% Black; 25.9% Medicare, 26.6% Medicaid, & 42.4% private insured. Serial A1C outcomes by group are shown.Adults with previously uncontrolled type 2 diabetes who completed a diabetes management program and who participated in a 9-mos sustaining strategy maintained their A1C under 8% when compared to those who did not participate in the follow-up program.
M.F.Magee: None. C.M.Nassar: None. C.J.Bourges: None. A.R.Montero: None.