Background: The UW AYA Diabetes Program is a partnership between Seattle Children’s Hospital and UW Medicine designed to meet AYA health care transition and mental health needs.

Objective: To evaluate the impact of the UW AYA Diabetes Program on glycemic control.

Methods: The study included 453 AYA with diabetes (baseline visit: mean age 20.8 years, 51% male, 70% Non-Hispanic White, 27% public insurance, 95% type 1 diabetes, 55% continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) use, 55% pump/automated insulin delivery use) who have received diabetes care within the UW AYA Diabetes Program for ≥6 months. Mixed-effects linear regression with a random effect for individual to account for repeated measures was used to evaluate change in A1C over time. Regression model was adjusted for age, race, ethnicity, diabetes technology use, and health insurance.

Results: Mean adjusted A1C decreased steadily with increasing time in the UW AYA Diabetes Program (Figure) . The difference was statistically significant compared to baseline A1C levels by the time participants had been in the program for 2 years (8.1%, 95% CI: 7.8-8.4 vs. 8.8%, 95% CI: 8.6-9.0) . A1C improvement did not vary by age, diabetes technology use, or health insurance (all p>0.05) .

Conclusion: The UW AYA Diabetes Program offers a promising approach to improve glycemic control in AYA transitioning from pediatric to adult diabetes care.


F.Malik: n/a. N.M.Ehrhardt: Advisory Panel; Dexcom, Inc., Novo Nordisk, Research Support; Dexcom, Inc., Merck & Co., Inc., Novo Nordisk. A.Paget: None. K.Hoch: None. K.W.Weaver: None. I.B.Hirsch: Consultant; Abbott Diabetes, Bigfoot Biomedical, Inc., GWave, Roche Diabetes Care, Research Support; Beta Bionics, Inc., Insulet Corporation, Medtronic. C.Pihoker: None. C.Taplin: Advisory Panel; Insulet Corporation, Speaker's Bureau; Medtronic. A.J.Roberts: None. S.J.Lowry: None. J.Yi-frazier: None. A.Moss: None. A.Huang: None.


Forest Foundation, Sequoia Foundation

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