There has been a rapid rise in digital health applications to support diabetes self-management to improve patient-centered outcomes such as engagement and satisfaction. TrustSphere is a collaborative single point of access digital health application that has been developed using principles of co-creation and participatory design with health care providers (HCP) and patients/families. Our objective is to describe HCP perspectives on current challenges and ideas for digital application features. A survey was distributed to pediatric diabetes HCP across British Columbia, Canada (n=50; 36% diabetes nurse educators, 24% nursing support services, 18% pediatricians, 12% dietitians, 8% pediatric endocrinologists) . HCP identified access to mental health support (84%) , diabetes management technologies (53%) , clinical information (39%) , and support for diabetes care at school (35%) as key challenges. Qualitative data revealed struggles with staying up to date with diabetes technology and empowering patients to self-manage their diabetes between visits. HCP reported TrustSphere should include information on the type of insulin regimen (87%) , insulin doses & pump settings (76%) and patient-centered goals (41%) as well as integration of glucose meter (91%) , continuous glucose monitor (CGM) (93%) , and insulin pump data (91%) . Overall, HCP felt an integrated digital platform would greatly simplify their care for children with T1D (47%) . HCP perspectives were integrated into TrustSphere’s minimal viable product (MVP) . Via real-time connections, glucometer, CGM, and pump data have been integrated into the platform. Insulin doses, patient tasks, and management recommendations can be collaboratively entered by patients or HCP, optimizing personalized care. Educational resources and a mindfulness app to support mental health can also be accessed via TrustSphere. Next steps are a pilot study of the TrustSphere MVP with pediatric T1D patients.


F.S.Abdulhussein: None. S.Amed: Advisory Panel; Insulet Corporation, Lilly, Sanofi, Research Support; Dexcom, Inc., Novo Nordisk, Speaker's Bureau; Abbott Diabetes. S.Pinkney: None.


Canadian Digital TechnologySuperclusterUniversity of British Columbia

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