Introduction: A national value-based health care project, VBHC-PRO-DIA, was initiated in 2017 to develop and evaluate a scalable solution for value based diabetes care in Denmark. Our project was undertaken in partnership and alignment with a national PRO diabetes program. We present the study design for this national project.

Materials and Methods: A participatory multi-stakeholder research design process 2017-2020 with systematic involvement of > 70 PWD using interviews, workshops, clinical & qualitative research: 1) A minimal patient-important diabetes outcome domain set (VBHC structure) . 2) A unified PRO diabetes “logic model” for how to use PRO to drive health value. 3) A national psychometric PRO Diabetes Questionnaire & Decision-Algorithm. 4) A VBHC-PRO IT Tool for seamless use of outcome data in routine diabetes care. 5) A multi-center real-world PRO pilot study of public health potential (RE-AIM) . 6) Implementation planning, data-driven VBHC model design and effectiveness study.

Results: National PRO Model: PWD fills out PRO before visit. PRO is used in-visit for collaborative, focused, whole-person care. A multi-dimensional PRO questionnaire (36-70 items) covering: General health/wellbeing, daily life with diabetes, diabetes distress, self-care, BG regulation, symptoms, access to care, personal goals and priorities. Real-world 10-site PRO study : Interim data: > 460 PWD/ 30 HCPs showed high acceptability and experience of benefits related to active engagement of PWD and person-centred diabetes care quality.


N.Ejskjaer: None. P.H.Kjaer: None. D.B.Berthelsen: None. S.H.Kaplan: n/a. P.O.Jakobsen: None. C.Glümer: n/a. S.E.Skovlund: Consultant; Roche Diabetes Care.

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