Introduction: The challenge of managing type 2 diabetes mellitus is well known and was especially highlighted during the pandemic. Advances in the use of technology have resulted in improved glycemic control. The GluCare program uses Remote Continuous Data Monitoring (RCDM) and leverages connectivity and shifting diabetes management away from episodic care to continuous care.

Methods and Analysis: Forty type 2 DM patients were managed, with half opting "in" to monitoring using the GluCare RCDM program and half opting "out" to not be monitored. Data was collected from electronic medical reports and statistical analysis was conducted to compare clinical parameters between groups.

Outcomes: The primary outcome was the difference in mean HbA1c at 3 months follow-up between Glucare opt-in and opt-out patients with both groups managed by the same health care professional and facility. Secondary outcomes included analysis of body mass index (BMI) , LDL cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, triglycerides (TG) , uric acid, high-sensitivity C-reactive protein and cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk reduction.

Results: According to our findings, HbA1c levels from the opt-in RCDM group decreased significantly by a mean of 2.38 points and were statistically superior than the opt-out group (p < 0.001) . The improvements in BMI, TG, and CVD risk reduction also were higher in opt-in patients (p =0.046, p=0.018, p=0.001, respectively) .

Conclusion: The GluCare RCDM opt-in group had significantly superior results in HbA1c and other metabolic parameters at 3 months follow up suggesting RCDM post first visit may be an efffective way to improve diabetes care models.


M.Caccelli: Speaker's Bureau; Novo Nordisk, Servier Laboratories. Y.Said: None. J.D.Mojado: None. C.Palsky: None. R.Colodetti: None. I.Almarzooqi: None. A.Hashemi: None.

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