On the basis of the recommendation of the American Diabetes Association’s (ADA's) Panel on Ethical Scientific Programs (ESP), the ADA, the publisher of Diabetes, is issuing this expression of concern to alert readers to questions about the authenticity of the data in the above-cited article. With adjusted aspect ratios, multiple panels in this article are unexpectedly similar to those appearing in a now-retracted 2008 article authored by the same laboratory: Diabetes 2008;57:3222–3230. DOI: 10.2337/db08-0610.

  • Lanes 13 of the β-actin panel in Fig. 4C of this 2010 article are unexpectedly similar to the c-Jun panel in Fig. 5A and lanes 13 of the IP: PGIS/WB: PGIS panel in Fig. 6C of the now-retracted 2008 article.

  • Lanes 46 of the β-actin panel in Fig. 4C of this 2010 article are unexpectedly similar to the p-38 panel in Fig. 5A and lanes 46 of the IP: PGIS/WB: PGIS panel in Fig. 6C of the now-retracted 2008 article.

Diabetes is a member journal of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) (publicationethics.org). As such, the editors of the journal and the ESP refer to COPE’s guidelines and recommendations when reviewing such matters.

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