The above-cited article has been retracted by the American Diabetes Association (ADA), the publisher of Diabetes.

Because of ongoing concerns related to instances of potential image duplication, the ADA’s Panel on Ethical Scientific Programs (ESP) believes that the integrity of the study has been compromised and that the article should therefore be retracted. The ADA, the publisher of Diabetes, has approved the Panel’s recommendation.

The ESP maintains that the following instances of potential duplication affect the overall reliability of the study:

  • The c-Jun panel in Fig. 5A and lanes 13 of the IP: PGIS/WB: PGIS panel in Fig. 6C appear to be duplicates.

  • The p-38 panel in Fig. 5A and lanes 46 of the IP: PGIS/WB: PGIS panel in Fig. 6C appear to be duplicates.

  • In Fig. 6D, the left half of the Control-AMPK α2 KO panel and the right third of the STZ/AICAR-AMPK α2 KO panel, with different aspect ratios, appear to be duplicates.

  • In Fig. 6D, the STZ-C57BL6 panel and the middle portion of the STZ/AICAR-AMPK α2 KO panel appear to be duplicates.

  • In the IP: PGIS/WB: 3-NT panel of Fig. 6C, there appears to be possible splicing between lanes 2 and 3 and between lanes 3 and 4.

More information about ADA’s retraction policies and procedures can be found at

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