Objective: To evaluate whether the intervention program (telehealth and home visit) focusing on chronic disease management induces changes in clinical, psychological, and behavioral measures.

Methods: This program evaluation utilizes a pre-and-post-intervention comparison design. For detecting whether differences exist between the baseline data and the follow-up data for the various measures, paired t-test (for parametric data) and Wilcoxon signed-rank test (for non-parametric data) are used.

Results: Paired HbA1c data from 57 individuals (out of 122 enrolled participants) have been collected. 55% of the participants were non-White, and 88% were Medicaid recipients. The table below summarizes some of the evaluation measures (most data are collected at the end of the intervention period).

Conclusion: Our preliminary analyses show that program participants have achieved a significant HbA1c reduction with a significant increase in perceived self-efficacy in chronic disease management. In addition, the available behavioral data with statistical significance reveal that participants have changed their behaviors during the intervention relating to diabetes management. The preliminary analyses show some early signals that our intervention program has the potential to help participants better manage diabetes.


C.F.Young: Other Relationship; Abbott Diabetes. S.Wong: None. C.Myung: None.


Sutter Health

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