Among hospitalized patients, glycemic variability, hyperglycemia and hypoglycemia are associated with increased mortality and other adverse outcomes. Therapeutic inertia, defined as failure to intensify or de-intensify when treatment goal is not met, is found as one of the major obstacles in achieving appropriate glycemic control in the outpatient setting. However, there are very scare data on therapeutic inertia among hospitalized patients with hyperglycemia. Our study looked at hyperglycemia (BG>200) and hypoglycemia (BG<70) rate in hospitalized patients with diabetes admitted in June of 2021 as well as the rate of intensification and de-intensification of insulin within 8 hours of abnormal BG level as defined above. Our study showed that there were treatment adjustment in only 20% of the day with abnormal BG level.


N.Aung: None. M.E.Lape: None. M.J.Bapana: None. K.Win: None. E.Maung: None. C.Hanani: None. S.Jhaveri: None. A.Amos: None. A.Covaci: None. A.Marquess: None.

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