Objective: To evaluate real-world glycemic outcomes and insulin delivery based on TIR (70-180mg/dL) before and after MiniMed™ 780G system use by children with T1D.

Methods: MiniMed™ 780G system data from 2,516 users aged ≤15 years (from Europe, the Middle East and Africa) who provided assent, were uploaded between Aug 2020 and Jun 2022. For users with ≥10 days of sensor glucose (SG) data, glycemic outcomes (e.g., SG, time in SG ranges and glucose management indicator [GMI]), insulin delivered, and use of the 100mg/dL* glucose target and 2hrs active insulin time (recommended settings) were summarized and stratified by baseline TIR quartiles. Results: After AHCL initiation, overall glycemic control (GMI) improved and TIR increased in all TIR quartiles, with increased system-initiated insulin (auto basal and auto correction) delivery and fewer user-initiated boluses (Figure). Greater recommended settings use was associated with a higher TIR (4th quartile) and less recommended settings use was associated with a lower TIR (1st quartile).

Conclusion: Children with T1D using the MiniMed™ 780G system had improved glycemic control evidenced by increased TIR with less effort (i.e., fewer user-initiated boluses). Glycemic control was improved across the spectrum of users and use of recommended settings enhanced outcomes.


J.Mcvean: Employee; Medtronic. A.Arrieta: Employee; Medtronic. T.L.Cordero: Employee; Medtronic. J.Castañeda: Employee; Medtronic. O.Cohen: Employee; Medtronic.

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