Insulin titration inertia is a key barrier to optimal glycemic control, particularly in areas where diabetes is highly prevalent and specialized healthcare professionals (HCP) are limited. MDC is a US FDA-approved digital smartphone application designed to help PWT2D to titrate BI according to HCP-prescribed individualized titration plan. This real-world analysis evaluated clinical outcomes in PWT2D in Saudi Arabia (SA) and Kuwait who were on BI therapy, registered on MDC from 05/01/2021 to 08/31/2022, and recorded ≥2 FBG readings in the app over a 2-week period. FBG target achievement, change in FBG, and hypoglycemia were assessed. A total of 197 MDC users with mean (SD) age of 51.5 (14.4) years were included (Table). Overall, 116 (58.9%) users achieved their individualized FBG target, 14 (7.1%) were still titrating and 67 (34.0%) stopped using MDC. The mean (SD) time to reach FBG target was 16.3 (20.8) days. Mean (SD) FBG decreased from 172.4 (75.7) mg/dL at baseline to 136.5 (54.3) mg/dL and BI dose increased from 21.9 (16.8) U to 25.1 (16.2) U. Moreover, high usage of MDC app was associated with a greater reduction in FBG versus moderate or low usage. Overall, hypoglycemia events were reported in 7 (3.6%) participants. PWT2D from SA and Kuwait were able to successfully utilize MDC app to titrate their BI doses and achieve FBG target with low risk of hypoglycemia


M. Al-sofiani: Consultant; Eli Lilly and Company, Speaker's Bureau; Sanofi, Medtronic, Vitalair. M. Almehthel: None. E. S. Alozairi: None. J. Sadik: Employee; Sanofi. L. Hao: Employee; Sanofi. Y. Akil: Employee; Sanofi.



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