Background: To evaluate the frequency of youth with type 2 diabetes (T2D) using data from the multinational consortium SWEET e.V.

Methods: The frequency of newly diagnosed T2D across all categories of diabetes in youth under 21 registered in the SWEET database during 2012-2021 was analysed. Trends in biennial proportions in five world regions (Europe, EU; Australia/New Zealand, AU/NZ; South America, SA; North America/Canada, NA; Asia/Africa, AS/AF) were estimated using logistic regression models adjusted for age at onset and sex.

Results: Table 1 shows the proportion of patients across diabetes categories over the study period in two-year steps. The increase in T2D rate was 9.0% per two years [95% CI 5.7-12.3] and was significant in EU (10.4% [3.8-17 .3]), AU/NZ (13.6% [3.5-24.7]), and NA (8.7% [3.8-14.0]). The overall increase in T2D during COVID-19 pandemic was similar to the previous biennial increase, while AU/NZ and NA showed the highest increase (respectively from 9.5% to 12.2%, p=0.999; from 7.7% to 13.2%, p<0.001).

Conclusions: There has been a steady increase in T2D observed worldwide over time. Findings suggest that more prevention efforts are needed to contain the public health impact in the near future. The Covid-19 pandemic did not affect the overall trend in frequency of youth with T2D observed over the 10-year period.


V.Cherubini: None. S.Shah: Research Support; Boehringer-Ingelheim, Takeda Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. A.Vamvakis: None. R.Gesuita: None. On behalf of the sweet study group: n/a. A.J.Eckert: None. S.Amed: None. S.Besançon: None. F.Cavallo aita: None. N.A.Crimmins: None. E.F.Gevers: Other Relationship; Novo Nordisk, Speaker's Bureau; Novo Nordisk. C.A.Jefferies: None. J.Kim: None.

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