Introduction: LADA is known for a slow progression of autoimmune destruction of beta-cells with cases that span a spectrum between classic T1D and T2D phenotypes. To date, lacking a good understanding of LADA has prohibited the release of specific clinical practice guidelines and subsequently an optimal management.

Methodology: Cross-sectional analysis of online clinical questionnaires in the Canadian BETTER registry; participants can specify having received a diagnosis of LADA or T1D. Data was analyzed for the first 1464 participants; 131 (9%) reported LADA and 1333 (91%) T1D.

Results: At registration; LADA vs T1D were 49 ± 13 y.o. vs 42 ± 15 y.o; 61% vs. 62% females; diabetes duration 10 ± 9 vs. 24 ± 15 years. LADA vs. T1D were older at diagnosis (39 ± 12 vs. 18 ± 12 years old; p<0.001), only half started insulin in first year of diagnosis (52 vs. 97%; p<0.001), more often reported a family history of T1D (46 vs. 32%; p=0.001). For comparable glycemic control (HbA1c < 8.6 mmol/l, <7%, 38 vs. 32%), fewer cases with LADA reported at least an episode in last month of level II hypoglycemia <54 mg/dL (3.0mmol/L) 63% vs. 77%; p= 0.004, severe hypoglycemia rates were 8% vs. 12%, p=0.15. Diabetes related hospitalizations were 10% in LADA vs. 6%, p=0.11, insulin pumps and glucagon were less used in LADA. In a matched analysis for diabetes duration and gender (1:1), glycemic control was still statistically comparable in LADA vs. T1D (HbA1c <7%: 38 vs 35%, p=0.12) as well as rates of nephropathy (6% vs. 11%, p=0.22), neuropathy (12% vs. 7%, p=0.23) and retinopathy (6% vs. 9%, p=0.07) yet with more cardiovascular disease (5% vs. 2%; p=0.02) and less coeliac disease (3 vs. 5%; p=0.001). Data analysis of 3000 participants is ongoing in early 2023.

Conclusion: Reported differences may impact LADA management. This study sets the stage for building a prospective Canadian cohort of LADA to undergo deep phenotyping, genotyping and interventional trials.


M.Issa: None. A.Brazeau: Other Relationship; Dexcom, Inc., Diabète québec, Ordre des diététistes nutritionnistes du Québec, Research Support; Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Fonds de recherche du Québec en Santé. S.Haag: Other Relationship; Omnipod. A.Roy-fleming: None. V.Messier: None. N.Taleb: Consultant; Viatris Inc.

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