The current staging system for T1D development is used for participant selection in prevention trials. This system is based on multiple Ab+ and the presence or absence of dysglycemia, but does not address C-peptide measures or single Ab+ individuals. Since a limited number of Ab+ individuals are available for trials, we used TrialNet Pathway to Prevention (TNPTP) study data to assess whether a composite glucose and C-peptide measure, Index60, could identify single Ab+ individuals (designated as Stage 0) with comparable risk to those in Stages 1 or 2 for progression to Stage 3. Table 1A compares normoglycemic Stage 0 individuals with Index60 values above the median (>-0.045) of the full TNPTP cohort (n=6107) vs. those at Stage 1 with Index60 below the median (< -0.045). Table 1B compares those at Stage 0 with dysglycemia and higher Index60 vs. those at Stage 2 with lower Index60. In both comparisons, Index60 stratification identified Stage 0 individuals with metabolic features characteristic of T1D (e.g., lower C-peptide with higher glucose) and comparable 5-year risk to Stage 1 or Stage 2 individuals. Thus, by considering individuals with 1 Ab and C-peptide measures, the current staging system could be improved for risk discernment and to identify appropriate eligibility for prevention trials.


E.K.Sims: Speaker's Bureau; Medscape, American Diabetes Association. D.D.Cuthbertson: None. E.Bosi: None. C.Evans-molina: Advisory Panel; Provention Bio, Inc., DiogenX, Avotres Inc., Neurodon, MaiCell Therapeutics, Other Relationship; Isla Technology, Bristol-Myers Squibb Company, Nimbus Therapeutics, Research Support; Lilly, Astellas Pharma Inc. M.J.Redondo: None. B.M.Nathan: None. H.M.Ismail: Consultant; Rise Therapeutics. L.M.Jacobsen: None. J.Sosenko: None.

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