Cystatin C is an established biomarker for renal function, and, given the close association of chronic kidney disease and cardiovascular disease might indicate new-onset or deteriorating cardiovascular disease. However, evidence for cystatin C as a predictor of cardiovascular events is limited and controversial. We therefore aimed at investigating the role of cystatin C as a predictor of future major adverse cardiovascular events (MACE) in a high risk-cohort of patients with established coronary artery disease (CAD). We prospectively recorded cardiovascular events in 1481 patients with angiographically verified CAD over a mean follow-up of 10.0±5.2 years. At baseline, 684 patients had the metabolic syndrome (MetS) and 797 did not have the MetS. During follow-up, 578 (39%) of our patients suffered MACE. Cystatin C proved to be a strong and independent predictor for MACE in the total study cohort (standardized adjusted HR 1.56 [1.34-1.83], p<0.001). When MetS status was taken into account, cystatin C significantly predicted major cardiovascular events both in patients with the MetS (HR 1.56 [1.28-1.90], p<0.001) and in non-MetS patients (HR 1.44 [1.12-1.84], p=0.004). We conclude that cystatin C predicts major cardiovascular events in patients with coronary artery disease both among patients with the MetS and in non-MetS individuals.


A.Mader: None. C.H.Saely: None. M.Maechler: None. B.Larcher: None. L.Sprenger: None. A.Leiherer: None. A.Muendlein: None. A.Vonbank: None. T.Plattner: None. H.Drexel: None.

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