Introduction: Social Determinants of Health (SDOH) is an essential focus in providing equitable diabetes care. Food and nutrition are integral parts of T1D and T2D management. Food insecurity (FI) increases the risk for T2D and is associated with higher A1C levels and hospitalization in those with diabetes. Children’s National Hospital and Capital Area Food Bank (CAFB) collaborated to create a Food Pharmacy within the diabetes clinic.

Methods: The Food Pharmacy Program was implemented October 2021. Groceries, including grains, vegetables, fruit, dairy, and protein, are provided by the CAFB and stored in clinic. Each set of bags weighs about 50 lbs and serves a family of 4 for 3 days. A FI questionnaire is provided to diabetes patient families during their clinic visit. If positive, families qualify to receive supplemental groceries from the clinic, which are provided to families before they leave. Menus change on a quarterly basis based on feedback from patients and the dietetic team.

Results: To date, 62% screened positive for FI. Approximately 20% of our diabetes patient population (496 families) have received groceries (46% male; mean age 14.4±3.9 years; 46% T1D; 51% prediabetes or T2D; mean diabetes duration 3.4 years; Ethnicity: 32% Hispanic; Race: 55% Black; 5% Caucasian). Over the initial 6 months of the program, an average of 49 families per month were receiving groceries. Since then, an average of 117 families per month are receiving groceries. A total of 24,800 pounds of food have been provided through the Food Pharmacy.

Conclusions: A Food Pharmacy was successfully implemented within a diabetes clinic, showing the benefits of a partnership between a hospital and local food bank focusing on SDOH to improve patient care. A research project is being developed to study diabetes, psychosocial, cost analysis, and health utilization outcomes with a more intensive food intervention in youth with prediabetes or T2D.


E. Frymark: None. A.M. Richardson: None. H. Kessenich: None. S.L. Holly: None. O. Odimayomi: None. S. Topping: None. J. Leon: None. S. Majidi: None.

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