Methodology: We analyzed FGM Libre pro data of 394 patients from Centre - 1 and 200 patients from Centre - 2 over last 1 year for Type 2 DM patients visiting 2 different specialty clinics. Centre - 1 was analyzing the data for the blinded CGM at the end of 14 days and capturing the TIR data and making management decisions. Centre - 2 was calling the patient on day 7, analyzing the data, making therapeutic changes and capturing the TIR data at end of 14 days period and making further therapeutic changes.

Discussion/Conclusion: Use of CGM in type 2 DM patients in routine clinic practice is used at very few centers across India due to various challenges including cost of monitoring in a self-pay market. There is a constant search for innovating means to economize cost of treatment and optimize the use of resources. Hence, the practice of calling patients at least once in the intermittent period back to the clinic, while on the blinded CGM to analyze the data and make lifestyle and therapeutic changes, the benefits of which may be seen at the end of 14 days period may seem feasible in Indian settings. This strategy often results in improving TIR metrics at the end of 14 day period as most type 2 patients doing CGM in India may not repeat the same more than 1-2 times per year.


A.Sowani: None. P.M.Chawla: None. M.S.Chawla: None.

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