Background: Association of TB and prediabetes (PreDM)/insulin resistance (IR) and FFA remains unclear. Aim was to assess FFA and IR in TB with and without PreDM and to see the changes in IR in PreDM after 1 year of TB treatment.

Methods: A prospective study done from Jan 2017 to Sep 2019 in people with newly diagnosed PTB and PreDM (OGTT) in TB clinics and grouped as TB without PreDM (n=30) (group1) and TB with PreDM (n=37) (group2). Control without TB/PreDM (n=30) was included. Anthropometric, and biochemical details were noted. Insulin was measured by electro chemiluminescence and FFA by enzymatic end point method. IR was calculated by HOMA.

Results: Age was similar in groups (1vs.2; 40vs44). 2 hr glucose was significantly higher in group 2 than group1 (162vs. 108;p<0.001). BMI, WC, fasting glucose and HbA1c were similar between groups. Mean IR was higher in group 2 than group1 (1.3vs.1; p=0.7). Median FFA was higher in TB PreDM (20.9) than without Pre DM (17.8) and control (14.9) (Figure1). High FFA (23vs.20) (p=0.4) and high IR (1 vs. 0.6) (p=0.2) were observed in BMI ≥vs.<18.5 among TBPreDM. In group 2, baseline IR was high (0.82) and reduced to 0.71 and also those who remained PreDM (0.52) and who reverted to normal (0.44 from 0.71) after 1 year completion of TB treatment.

Conclusion: High FFA and IR was noted in TBPreDM and those with high BMI. Improvement in IR was noted 1 year after completion of TB treatment.


S.Kumpatla: None. A.Devarajan: None. H.Kornfeld: None. V.Viswanathan: None.


Indian Department of Biotechnology and Civilian Research; Development Foundation Global (USB1-31149-XX-13)

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