Purpose: To assess prevalence of key lifestyle behaviours including maintaining a body mass index (BMI) <25Kg/m2, engaging in physical activity for ≥150 min/week, consuming >5 servings of fruits & vegetables daily, & no tobacco use among diabetics, pre-diabetics, & nondiabetics.

Methods: We conducted a large population-based survey among 12284 participants aged ≥30 years residing in rural and urban North and South India. Participants were selected using multistage cluster random sampling. Trained personnel collected data using a questionnaire, conducted anthropometry & collected bio-samples. Diabetes was defined as FPG ≥ 126 mg/dl or HbA1C ≥ 6.5% or self-reported physician diagnosis or being on treatment & prediabetes as FPG ≥ 100 mg/dl & <126 mg/dl or HbA1C ≥ 5.7% & <6.5%.

Results: Age-standardized prevalence of diabetes was 17.4% (95% CI: 16.7-18.1) & prediabetes was 31.3% (30.7-31.9). Diabetics were more likely to be overweight/obese [BMI≥25Kg/m2: 60.7% (58.6-62.7)], & less physically active [physical activity (PA) <150 min/week: 30.6% (28.8-32.6), compared to pre-diabetics [BMI: 49.1% (47.5-50.7); PA: 22.3% (21.0-23.7)] & nondiabetics [BMI: 36.6% (35.4-37.8); PA: 22.2% (21.1-23.2)]. Mean (±SD) waist circumference (WC) was higher among diabetics [92.8 cm (±11.9)] compared to pre-diabetics [88.0 cm (±12.6)] & nondiabetics [83.7 cm (±12.5)] with more diabetics [65.4% (63.4-67.4)] having WC above World Health Organization’s recommended cut-off compared to pre-diabetics [54.2% (52.6-55.8) & nondiabetics [43.4% (42.4-44.6)]. Consumption of fruits & vegetables was low among all groups. Diabetics were less likely to be current tobacco users [21.7% (19.9-23.4)] compared to pre-diabetics [26.2% (24.8-27.7)] & nondiabetics [28.1% (27.0-29.2)].

Conclusions: Tailored clinic based, and population wide health promotion programs focussed on improving diet and physical activity are warranted to advance diabetes prevention and control in India.


S. Mohan: None. P. Jarhyan: None. D. Prabhakaran: None.

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