Dual amylin and calcitonin receptor agonists (DACRAs) are potential therapeutic candidates for treatment of obesity. Preclinical studies have shown favorable effects of DACRAs on appetite regulation contributing to a reduction in body weight. Interestingly, the DACRA-induced effects on weight loss are superior to the effects of a suppressed food intake, suggesting an effect on energy expenditure potentially by targeting the mitochondria.

We investigated the effects of long-term treatment with a class of DACRAs, namely KBPs, on body weight, food intake and mitochondrial respiratory capacity (MRC) in Sprague-Dawley rats fed a high-fat diet and treated s.c. with KBPs for 8 weeks. Moreover, a pair-fed (PF) group was used to examine food intake-independent effects of KBPs on MRC. At study end, MRC was analyzed in perirenal (pAT) and inguinal (iAT) adipose tissue using high resolution respirometry.

Expectedly, KBP treatment significantly reduced body weight compared to PF and vehicle. PF was successfully KBP-matched in terms of accumulated food intake and the food intake was significantly lower than that of vehicle-treated rats. Coupled and uncoupled MRC supported by complex I+II substrates and fatty acids were significantly greater in iAT and pAT after KBP treatment indicating effects on both carbohydrate and lipid metabolism. Additionally, an increased oligomycin-induced leak-respiration was found to be independent of food intake in iAT. Further analysis will shed light on whether these changes in MRC are a result of an increased mitochondrial content or of the respiratory capacity of each mitochondrion.

In conclusion, treatment with KBPs in obese rats is associated with an increased MRC in pAT and iAT and elicits effects additional to those obtained by diet-induced weight loss. This highlights DACRAs’ potential as anti-obesity agents with possible benefits on energy expenditure as a contributing cause to the DACRA-induced weight loss.


E.A.Petersen: Employee; Nordic Bioscience A/S. I.Blom: None. S.A.Melander: None. M.A.Karsdal: Speaker's Bureau; Pfizer Inc. S.Larsen: None. K.Henriksen: Employee; Nordic Bioscience A/S, Stock/Shareholder; Nordic Bioscience A/S. A.T.Larsen: Employee; Nordic Bioscience A/S.


Innovation Fund Denmark

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