Low IL-10 production capacity is associated with type 2 diabetes. Targeting IL-10 in diabetes patients has resulted in inconsistent results. To test if IL-10-treated adipose stromal vascular fraction could be used to reverse diabetes-induced gluconeogenesis and insulin resistance, we purified stromal vascular fractions (SVFs) from adipose tissue from diabetic (Lepdb/db) and nondiabetic (Lep+/+) mice, treated them with IL-10, and injected them into adipose tissue of diabetic mice. Injection of IL-10 into adipose tissue of diabetic mice decreased mRNA expression of IL-6 and IL-1β of adipose SVFs but did not change G6PC and PCK1 expression in liver. Injection of IL-10-treated SVFs into adipose tissue of diabetic mice significantly decreased CCL2 and IL-1β expression and increased IL-10 and Foxp3 expression of SVFs of Lepdb/db mice. Moreover, injection of IL-10-treated SVFs significantly increased IL-10 levels of adipose tissue and decreased G6PC and PCK1 and insulin resistance of liver in diabetic mice. Altogether, our data suggest that IL-10-treated adipose SVFs could be used to reverse diabetes-induced gluconeogenesis gene expression and insulin resistance in diabetes. These data suggest that modified-adipose stromal vascular fractions could be used as a promising cell therapy tool in alleviating insulin resistance in diabetes mellitus.


L. Chen: None.


National Science and Technology Council, Taiwan (110-2314-B-A49A-540-MY3)

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