Background: Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) has been considered as a chronic disease which requires long-term treatment with hypoglycemic drugs. However, recent clinical studies have shown that comprehensive lifestyle intervention can effectively reduce body weight and alleviate T2DM, which become a new strategy and the latest clinical practice for the treatment of T2DM.

Objective: Our team has applied the first and exclusive "2+N system therapy", (Integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine combined with nutrition, psychology and lifestyle comprehensive interventions) to obese and type 2 diabetes patients since 2015. This study aims to summarize the real-world efficacy of 2+N system therapy in alleviating type 2 diabetes.

Method: The clinical data of 1086 patients with T2DM who were treated with 2+N systematic therapy in the Second People's Hospital of Guangdong Province from 2015 to 2022 were analyzed by self-control method, and the clinical data of patients before and after treatment (3 and 6 month) were observed. Results: After 3 months of 2+N system therapy intervention, body weight, BMI, waist circumference, hip circumference, HbA1c, lipid indexes (TC, TG, LDL-c), uric acid, HOMA-IR, area under OGTT curve were all decreased (P<0.05). The area under the curve of HDL-c, HOMA-β were increased (P<0.05). After 6 months, the metabolic indexes were further improved, the body weight and BMI were decreased by (9.18±4.33)kg and (3.22±1.45)kg/m2, respectively, and T2DM remission rate reached to 88.4%. MR analysis further showed that the liver and pancrease fat deposit rate both were decreased. Conclusions: In T2DM patients, 2+N system therapy can effectively reduce body weight, improve metabolic indexes and β cell function, and finally achieve T2DM remission.


K. Zeng: None. H. Li: None. Y. Song: None. Y. Yang: None. Y. Huang: None. G. Xu: None.


National Natural Science Foundation of China (81902004, 52203206); Natural Science Foundation of Guangdong Province (2023.1.1-2025.12.31 to K.Z.)

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