Background: The aim of this free living, randomized parallel arm study was to evaluate the effect of replacing added sugar in beverages with non-nutritive sweetener (NNS)- Sucralose on body weight and metabolic factors in overweight and obese adults.

Method: Adults aged 25-50 years with BMI ≥23 kg/m2, were randomized into Intervention arm (replacement of sugar with NNS) and Control arm (no replacement) for a period of 12 weeks. Change in anthropometric and biochemical measurements were analysed using standard methods.

Results: Data of 154 subjects, was analyzed; significant reduction in waist circumference (p=0.01), fasting blood glucose (p<0.001), HbA1C (p =0.02), total Cholesterol/HDL cholesterol ratio (p=0.03), visceral adiposity index (p=0.04), HOMA IR (p=0.03), Triglyceride/glucose Index (p=0.04) & increase in HDL cholesterol (p=0.004) were seen at the end of trial in the Intervention arm. There was non-significant reduction in body fat, BMI, lipid accumulation product and high sensitivity CRP. Plasma sucralose analyzed in a subset of participants was undetectable indicating sucralose is not systematically absorbed.

Conclusion: In overweight and obese participants, replacement with NNS, helps in reducing adiposity indices, along with improvement in cardio metabolic parameters.


V.Mohan: None. K.Kamala: None. A.Kuzhanthaivelu: None. G.Rajagopal: None. K.Vasudevan: None. G.Nagamuthu: None. D.Shekinah: None. R.Unnikrishnan: None. R.Anjana: None. S.Vasudevan: None.

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