Objective: To compare six months glycemic control in adolescents with Type 1 Diabetes (T1D) on MiniMed 780G system that used simplified meal announcement to those that used precise carbohydrate counting.

Research Design and Methods: 34 participants (12-18 years) with T1D that initiated MiniMed 780G system were randomly assigned to the Fix group (simplified meal announcement by preset of 3 personalized fixed carbohydrate amounts) or the Flex group (precise carbohydrate counting). After 3 months, participants in Fix group could choose to continue with the same regimen, or to switch to precise carbohydrate counting. HbA1c, Time in Ranges, insulin and sensor data were analyzed after 3 and 6 months.

Results: TIR was 73.5±6.7% in the Fix and 80.3±7.4% in the Flex group (p=0.043) at 3 months. 88% of participants (n=15) in Fix group continued to use same regime for the additional 3 months (TIR of 72.7±7.8% in Fix group and 79.4±6.9 in Flex group, p=0.006). HbA1c below 7% was achieved in both groups, without a group difference during the study.

Conclusion: Adolescents on the MiniMed 780G system using simplified meal announcement can reach and maintain international targets of glycemic control. This method may be a valuable alternative to precise carbohydrate counting in users, challenged by precise carbohydrate counting.


G.Petrovski: None. J.Campbell: None. K.Hussain: None. M.F.Pasha: None. Sidra diabetes group: n/a.

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