Socioeconomic conditions of one's community have been attributed to disparities in diabetes outcomes and management practices. Among a random sample (n=19955) of people with type 2 diabetes receiving care at a nationwide telemedicine clinic utilizing a carbohydrate restricted nutritional approach and continuous remote care model (CR-CRCM), we explored A1c and medication utilization by area deprivation index quintile (Q). Upon enrollment, patients residing in more disadvantaged areas (Q4, Q5) had higher A1c compared to the least disadvantaged area (Q1; 7.8% vs 7.7%, p<0.01), and insulin (INS) and sulfonylureas (SU), but not other medication classes, were prescribed to a greater proportion of patients living in Q5 (25% INS, 23% SU) compared to Q1 (18% INS, 18% SU) and Q2 (21% INS, 19% SU) after accounting for differences in age, sex, baseline BMI, baseline INS use (when appropriate), and race and ethnicity (p<0.05). After one year in clinic, no differences in the prescription of medication classes between Q were observed, except for INS, where greater use remained only in Q5 than Q1 (14% vs 10%, p=0.011); among those remaining on INS, dose was reduced by 49-58% across all Q (p<0.001). Differences in SU use were no longer present; 77-83% fewer SU were prescribed across Q. Differences in A1c between Q4 (6.6%) and Q5 (6.7%) vs Q1 (6.5%) remained (p<0.001), though all groups achieved significant reductions in A1c of 1.1-1.2% (all p<0.001) concurrent with reduced prescription of all diabetes medication (from 1.7-1.8 to 1.1-1.2 medication classes per person). Across all levels of socioeconomic disadvantage, patients achieved clinically and statistically meaningful reductions in A1c and medication. Higher rates of SU use among patients residing in more disadvantaged areas were mitigated through a CR-CRCM to improve glycemia. Further, these data suggest a CR-CRCM may overcome financial barriers to optimal diabetes management through reduced need for medication.


A.L.Mckenzie: Employee; Virta Health Corp., Stock/Shareholder; Virta Health Corp. S.J.Athinarayanan: Employee; Virta Health Corp.

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