Diabetes calls on thousands of scientific and medical experts each year to review manuscript submissions. The editors of Diabetes sincerely appreciate the efforts of all of our reviewers who volunteer their time and expertise to provide valuable feedback to ensure the consistently high quality of the research published in each issue. We would like to recognize the “top” reviewers—based on the number of reviews completed, timeliness, reliability, and quality—for their outstanding contributions and dedication to Diabetes.

Top Reviewers in 2023

Shaodong Guo, PhD

Moshe Levi, MD

Vincent Poitout, DVM, PhD

Peter Rossing, MD, DMSc

Adrian Vella, MD

E. Matthew Morris, PhD

Gary Lopaschuk, MD

Sona Kang, PhD

Ashot Sargsyan, PhD

Amelia Linnemann, PhD

In addition, we would like to recognize those individuals who completed three or more reviews in 2023. We sincerely appreciate their contributions.

Laura Alonso

Julio Ayala

Sushant Bhatnagar

Paul Cohen

Ralph DeFronzo

Gian Paolo Fadini

Jonathan Flak

Keshav Gopal

David Harris

Sean Hartig

Jens Holst

Chad Hunter

David Jacobson

Weiping Jia

Richard Leslie

Peter Light

Jian-xing (Jay) Ma

Stuart Mannering

Teresa Mastracci

Bettina Mittendorfer

Michael Nauck

Ruben Nogueiras

Craig S. Nunemaker

Alberto Pugliese

Mengle Shao

Toshinari Takamura

Jeffery Tessem

Hubert Tse

John Ussher

Phillip White

Jason Winnick

Thank you,

David A. D’Alessio, MD

Editor in Chief, Diabetes

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