Sleep durations are positively associated with impaired outcomes in obesity and type 2 diabetes. Although precise mechanisms are unknown, sleep restriction could affect endogenous processes in glucose metabolism and appetite. Digital health platforms for chronic condition management are aiming to generate behavioral changes that improve patients’ clinical outcomes. Evidence regarding the feasibility of using digital health platforms to measure sleep duration and assess its relationship to ideal diabetes management is lacking. The purpose of this study is to investigate the association between weekly aggregated blood glucose (BG) measurements and deep sleep measured on a single digital health platform. A retrospective data analysis included people with T2D and prediabetes who used iPhone and integrated data into Dario digital health platform during Dec 2022-Dec 2023. Weekly aggregations of average BG and time of deep sleep were calculated. A mixed model analysis was used to determine whether the weekly avg BG can be predicted by weekly avg duration of deep sleep over time.

A cohort of 417 users with type 2 and prediabetes was evaluated (Age 60.4±12.3; female 50.3%). A significant difference between weekly avg BG levels in different durations of weekly avg deep sleep was demonstrated by the model (B=-.00, CI 95% -0.00- -0.00, p=.029). Moreover, simple slope analysis showed that users with increased weekly avg deep sleep duration have significantly stronger reductions in avg BG (B=-.26, CI 95% -0.50- -0.03, p=.03) compared to users with low weekly avg deep sleep duration (B=-.13, CI 95% -0.37- 0.12, p=.31).

A digital health platform that aims to help users adjust deep sleep and manage blood glucose levels can be a powerful tool in promoting overall health and well-being. Sleep quality assessment connected with blood glucose monitoring on one single platform may provide actionable insights and help users understand the impact of sleep on their metabolic health.


Y. Hershcovitz: Employee; DarioHealth Corp. I. Breuer Asher: None. O. Manejwala: Employee; DarioHealth Corp. Stock/Shareholder; DarioHealth Corp.

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