Introduction: Numerous datapoints are collected each day by the FreeStyle Libre system®. We here investigated how further insights can be gained by analysing raw glucose monitoring data.

Methods: Over 18 months, 15minute glucose values were downloaded. Based on these BG values supplementary metrics were calculated including HbA1c. Cluster analysis was used to highlight how these variables add to our understanding of complication risk in T1D and how oral medication impacts these metrics.

Results: for 90 individuals (44 males) were analysed over 18months. Mean age was 42.6(sd 12.7) years; mean duration of diabetes 18.4(sd 11.8) years. Mean BMI 27.8(sd 5.5)kg/m2. Analysis highlighted that average daily variation in BG values was only 20% related to HbA1c. Percentage results above 18mmol/L (top 5% of distribution) increased exponentially above 54mmol/mol HbA1c(7.1%). A greater % of glucose >18mM (Figure) was associated with development of sight threatening retinopathy vs minimal change/no retinopathy (p=0.005) with no relation to glucose variability over 24 hours. Individuals in the lowest tertile of HbA1C at <51.7mmol/mol(%) showed the lowest variation in 24hour glucose profile with less variability in those taking adjunctive oral agents.

Conclusion: Above an HbA1c of 54mmol/mol(7.1%) there is an exponential increase in %glucose >18mM which relates to increased risk of sight threatening retinopathy.


A.H. Heald: None. M. Stedman: None. H.H. Habte-Asres: None. A.N. Paisley: None. J.J. Warner-Levy: None. L. Belston: None. A. Robinson: None. E.B. Jude: Speaker's Bureau; AstraZeneca. Research Support; Novo Nordisk. Speaker's Bureau; Lilly Diabetes. Research Support; Abbott. Speaker's Bureau; Sanofi. J.M. Gibson: None. A. Forbes: None.

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