Introduction & Objective: To examine the national trend in medical expenditures in people with diabetes from 2000 to 2021.

Methods: We used the 2000-2021 Medical Expenditure Panel Survey to estimate per person annual medical expenditures in adults >=18 years old with self-reported diabetes. We estimated the medical expenditure (in 2021 US dollars) in total and by component including outpatient (OP), inpatient (IP), emergency room (ER), prescription drugs, and other medical services. We used join-point regression to identify trend changes.

Results: Estimated expenditure increased from $9,700 in 2000 to $16,203 (95% CI, $15,061-$17,344) in 2021 or by 67%. By component, spending on prescription drugs, OP, ER, and other medical services increased by 148%, 103%, 81%, and 89%, respectively, but spending on IP decreased by 17%. For total expenditure, the upward trend was significant from 2011 to 2018 and from 2000 to 2004. Trends in spending by component differed. Increases in prescription drug spending accelerated after 2013 and by 2021 prescription drugs accounted for the largest share of the total.

Conclusion: The overall economic burden of diabetes on the national health care system has been increasing. The composition of spending also changed. Preventing diabetes and its complications may help reduce this growing economic burden.


S. Tang: None. Y. Wang: None. X. Zhou: None. P. Zhang: None.

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