Background: Management of Maternal Diabetes (MOMs) program provides comprehensive, single-site team care for pregnant patients who are for medically-complex.
Objective: To determine whether MOMs improves glycemic control through specialized care and patient engagement in diabetes self-management (DSMES). Methods: General linear models compared longitudinal A1c and time in range (TIR) to pre-enrollment baseline values for patients delivering June 2020 through March 2023. Surveys were conducted on patient satisfaction, diabetes self-management.
Results: Among 482 patients, 26% were Black, 30% Hispanic, 39% White, 5% Other. For preferred language, 27% cited Spanish. Insurance included 54% Medicaid and 31% Uninsured with Medicaid only for delivery. At baseline, 44% were obese and 28% morbidly obese. Diabetes type comprised 9% Type 1, 35% Type 2, 45% Gestational-A2, 10% Other. Type 1 patients had A1c decrease (p < 0.01) across all trimesters. Type 2 patients had A1c decrease (p < 0.01) in the 2nd and 3rd trimester. Patients using CGMs increased (p = 0.01) TIR from 64% to 77% to 81% across trimesters. Patient surveys showed 93% were very satisfied/satisfied with the availability of multiple providers and services at a single visit; 91% strongly agreed/agreed that MOMs helped them develop healthier lifestyles.
Conclusion: MOMs improved glycemic control and demonstrated a high degree of patient engagement.
M.M. Schellinger: None. J. Britt: None. D.N. Pasko: None. S. Keiser: None. S.L. Weber: None. H. White: None. J. Odom: None. M.D. Stancil: None. P.L. Schult: None. K. Hunt: None. C.J. Fiocchi: None. K. Fincher: None. C.U. Cart: None. A. Kelly: None. D. Londono: None. L. Perez-Cano: None. D. Fu: None. M.J. Leyva: None. T. Lyons: None.
BlueCross BlueShield of South Carolina Foundation, Diabetes Free SC (2020-09)