Continuous monitoring in diabetes care enhances access, convenience, adherence, and glycemic control. Challenges in digital-only solutions include trust-building and limitations in face-to-face interactions, along with the lack of engagement by care teams outside the clinic setting. A hybrid model where providers incorporate both remote data monitoring and engagement with in-person visits would address these challenges. The aim of this study is to evaluate the impact of implementing the hybrid care approach on patients with T2D on glycemic control and clinical outcomes.

A retrospective case-control observational study over 3 months by a hybrid provider (GluCare.Health) in the UAE included patients with T2D (n=262). The case group had both in-clinic visits and bi-weekly virtual engagements via an app that included a range of caregivers (physicians, dietitians, educators and coaches, n=162). The control group only conducted in-clinic visits without virtual engagement mimicking traditional, episodic care (n=100). Engagement data included dietary, lifestyle, medication, exercise and continuous glucose monitoring interactions.

The case group (hybrid model) showed significant HbA1c improvements (-2.19%) (-25%) compared to the control group (-0.10%). Patients with higher baseline HbA1c (≥ 9.0%) experienced greater reductions (-3.67%) (-34%). The case group also showed improvements in weight (-6%), BMI (-6%), LDL (-21%), total cholesterol (-17%), and CVD risk (-41%). The control group had smaller improvements (p >0.05). Engagement strongly correlated with better outcomes; patients with ≥11 interactions (over 90 days) showed significant reductions in HbA1c (-2.38%) and weight (-6.00 kg) in comparison with those <11.

The GluCare.Health hybrid model demonstrates promising outcomes in Type 2 diabetes management with a strong correlation between the number of remote engagement and outcomes in comparison to results seen in the physical-only (traditional-care like) control group.


I. Almarzooqi: None. H. Zakaria: None. M. Caccelli: None. C. Ozkan: None. J. Bangayan: None. M.C. Dandan: None. D. Divino: None. S. Aleabova: None. Y. Said: None. A. Hashemi: None.

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