Introduction & Objective: Young adults (YA) with T1D have the greatest deviation from targeted glycemia. The transition of care from pediatric to adult providers may be cumbersome and lead to delays in follow up (f/u). To identify methods to tailor the process and augment transition of care, a feasibility study is underway at our tertiary care center.

Methods: In this prospective study, 15 YA (≥18y/o) with ≥1y T1D duration were recruited. The Readiness for Emerging Adults with Diabetes Diagnosed in Youth (READDY) tool was completed at baseline. Results guide education during f/u visits (initial, 3- and 6-mo after enrollment) and structured visits with social work and nutrition.

Results: Fifteen YA (age: 22.9 ± 1.4y, duration: 15.3 ± 4.6y, HbA1c/GMI median: 6.9% (range 6.0-9.9), pump: 87%, male: 53%) enrolled, with 3-mo f/u completed by 46%. The figure shows average score for each participant for the 4 core domains. The knowledge domain was below average for 26% of the cohort, with specific deficits noted in complications, HbA1c, impact of substances on glucose, and reproductive health.

Conclusion: Implementation of the READDY tool has identified individualized areas requiring focus in the pre-transition period in our feasibility study. Structured topics to be covered based on knowledge deficits and a multidisciplinary approach will be used to assess whether gaps can be mitigated by the 6-mo f/u when the READDY tool will be re-administered.


A.A. Dias: None. E.G. Considine: None. K. Weyman: None. D. Carr: None. E.M. Tichy: None. J.L. Sherr: Consultant; Medtronic. Advisory Panel; Medtronic, Insulet Corporation. Speaker's Bureau; Insulet Corporation. Advisory Panel; Vertex Pharmaceuticals Incorporated, MannKind Corporation, StartUp Health T1D Moonshot, Bigfoot Biomedical, Inc., Cecelia Health. Speaker's Bureau; Zealand Pharma A/S.


Friends of Yale New Haven Children's Hospital

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