Introduction & Objective: Racial/ethnic variation in LYL due to T2D is unclear. We estimated LYL due to T2D by race/ethnicity among Medicare beneficiaries.

Methods: Using 100% 2001-2021 Medicare claims, we identified 3,040,965 people with incident T2D using International Classification of Diseases codes and matched them with people without diabetes by race/ethnicity (White, Black, Hispanic, Asian/Pacific Islander, American Indian /Alaska Native), age, sex, and comorbidities. We followed them until death, disenrollment, or 12/31/2021. We modeled the survival rate with polynomial regression. LYL due to T2D was calculated as the difference between the aggregated annual survival rates of the two cohorts. Race/ethnic differences in LYL were compared by each sex (men and women)-age (70, 75, 80 and 85 years) group.

Results: LYL due to T2D decrease by age of diagnosis (Figure). Race/ethnic disparity in LYL vary by sex and age of diagnosis. White or American Indian /Alaska Native women had the most LYL. In men, group with the most LYL depended on the age of diagnosis.

Conclusion: T2D reduces life years differently across racial/ethnic groups. Our results could help estimate potential life years gained for Medicare programs that target various racial/ethnic groups.


Y. Wang: None. Y. Shao: Employee; Biogen. Y. Cheng: None. G. Imperatore: None. E. Luman: None. C.S. Holliday: None. P. Zhang: None.

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